Friday, March 31, 2006

Urban Impact

Urban Impact fundraiser tonight. Raising money for a good cause always a great thing! I also got a great shot of our good friends Leonard and Edith.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Spring Break

Jenny is home visting her parents during her spring break. It's always nice to have the college student insight during Bible Study.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

4:53 AM

That was the time I left Jolene off at the airport...don't worry she will be back tomorrow night. Man, everybody looks great at this time of the morning!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Oh well

I was working on getting a couple of cool night images...They did not turn out. So you will have to settle for me.

Monday, March 27, 2006

New Camera…Nothing to shoot

So my old Kodak has passed away…very sad. Which means...New camera with widescreen mode! And of course movie mode! Oh and scenic mode! Zoom mode! And don’t forget sepia…you get the picture, get it…get the picture.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Weeks End

Kao and Khoy had a party for some church out of towners this Sunday. Jolene could not resist taking this picture of Kao and his daughter Faith.

Ex-Monolith Party

…and as promised pictures from the ex-monolith party. As you can tell, good times where had by all. Well...I am little worried for Jared’s soul.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Old friends…we really are “old” friends

Matt (Tall guy near the center of the group) celebrated his 34th birthday party this last weekend and was surprised by the group of us. Unfortunately, I had to leave early. I stopped by the office to Blog and to pick some Xbox stuff up for the next party this afternoon with old Monolith folks. More pictures to come…

Friday, March 24, 2006

City Views

The City of Seattle is one of the best cities in the world to live in. Most people take pictures of the mountains…being a city boy…I take pictures of the buildings. These were taken this morning form the “Pill Hill” district.

Bonus Blog: Capturing Kim

Sometimes you don’t get the shot you want…here a few of the outtakes.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Let the picture speak for itself.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Pack

This is something I see everyday coming home. Basically they are waiting for the pack to come home…but mostly they are waiting for the Pack Leader (a.k.a. Jolene).

Monday, March 20, 2006

South Park Bridge

I think of this as the main symbol of my neighborhood. It’s a cool old bridge that I cross on my commute every morning. It’s getting old however and it is going to need a lot of repairs…as you can see the repair crews where working on it this evening.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

And the winner is…

Cool brown shoes…Jolene and Dalene won out with their decision for this pair of stylish new loafers. Thanks to everybody that played in the great shoe decision game.

The Gates of Doom

Level 51 and Rank 6…this means nothing to most people. However, for those of you who are interested. My small band of FFO players took on one the bigger in-game bosses tonight…this is his home.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Sorry, for some reason it won't let me post pictures. Man, I have some good stuff for you to!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

No Kevin = Long Day

Kevin’s little boy was sick today which means no Kevin at work. Its days like these when I really appreciate having Kevin as a co-working.

Get well soon X-Man!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Pat’s Day ahead…as predicted by Me!

How can we tell that Pat’s day is going to be good? Like the weatherman, I Dave Kidney will predict Pat’s day by looking at his early morning disposition...look for yourself.

So want is my conclusion…drum roll please………………

I don’t know! Call Pat and wish him a good day…I guessing then he will have a great day! really, give him a call the guy loves people.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Cloud…

God is amazing…look at this and tell me this is not his art! It looks like a concert in the sky…if this was just my commute this morning imagine what the rest of the day will be like.

Monday, March 13, 2006

It's that time of the year again

Hmmmm....Man, that grill looks dirty. Anyway it's getting warmer which means it's outdoor cooking time!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

And to continue with the military theme…

More war stories for the BLOG! Attached are a couple of pictures of a Boeing built B-17G. This model is an exact replica of the one our friends; 1st Lt. Ike Alhadeff was piloting on August 6th 1944 when he was shot down on a mission to Brandenburg, Germany. It was fun doing some of the research to get the correct tail number and squadron and bomb group markings. The insignia on the stand that looks like a bird carrying a bomb is the for the 600th Squadron - Ike's. The lower insignia is for the 398th Bomb Group. After ordering it took nearly seven months to get it. They are made by hand somewhere in the Philippines.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Bonus Weekend BLOG…”Dad’s Army” Complete Set!

As I told you, Dad did have a few stories to tell…


1703 Five M-48 tanks (long since out moded) firing all weapons, 1716 dad as a leader of "trained killers", 1713 was a simulated assault with live fire utilizing tanks and infantry. I was the on-the-ground infantry platoon leader on the exercise may times. It was very hot, dusty and noisy on warm afternoons in the summers of Georgia and yes you could hear the crack of machine gun bullets going by on our flanks - very close to overhead

And for further info on the previous post…

Mad Minute Described

As part of the demonstration the defense fire was added as the "enemy" advanced into the company's position. Finally every weapon was fired non-stop for one minute. It was very impressive and I might add a bit noisy. In addition to the infantry small arms you had the addition of tank, mortar and artillery fire along with simulated mine detonations. The sobering part of this is that I would guess many American soldiers actually fought their way through fire like this on the beaches at Normandy and the south pacific. In machine guns every fifth round is a tracer.

Yup…Dad, a Real American Hero.

The Setup

Played some Final Fantasy Online tonight…level 47 Woot!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Dad’s Army

As I was scrambling for some Blog shots this evening I came across some of these…and forgot how cool they where. I know that Dad could explain many things about these pictures and there stories I just thought I would let them speak for themselves. The bottom one is obviously my father with a dog, the top is an army night demonstration “War Games”.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Empty Plate...Full?

Today I fasted. Pastor Paul challenged us to fast, therefore I did. I have not done it since college and I have forgotten how hard it is to do. Today was full of struggles and yet I was able to keep centered throughout it. Can I credit it to fasting?...only time will tell when I try it again next week.

Monday, March 06, 2006


I picked up a couple of DVD’s at Fry’s this week of StarBlazers. I loved this show as a kid…every week day at 7am. Believe it or not this cartoon really stands the test of time. It was entertaining as a kid and it’s still great as an adult.


Poor old Black Dog…She had some surgery done to her head this last week. We have a great Vet and as you can see she has done a great job of stitching her up. The beauty of being a dog is that whatever scar is left behind…in the end, it’s all covered up by fur.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Khoy's Baby Shower

We celebrated the birth of Gift today. Sorry, I did not get a picture of Gift or Khoy. Yeah I know...I am a bad blogger.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Not the Joshua Tree but still good!

Dad requested that I work on one his pictures today with Photoshop. Great Picture!

Thursday, March 02, 2006


As you can tell Roxi had a bad day yesterday. So we took her out to dinner and then proceed to our place and played Mario Party 7. Were, we all partook in beating her out of the game…including her husband. For those of you who think Pat is perfect…think again, just ask…

Poor Old Roxanne aka POR.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Green Eyes

Jolene gave me such a great expression with her eyes last night I could not miss the opportunity to work with them in Photoshop.

BTW Rabbit! Rabbit! Rabbit!