Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Roll the credits

Mom sent me an email this morning asking if I could tell her the names of the people we hung out with this weekend. I can’t pass up a challenge like that.

Starting from the Top

Picture 1: Mia Weatherby…and in answer to your question, she is doing fine!

From Right to Left and Down

Picture 2: Natalie, Rich and Jen, Steve, Wendy and Maria (and a few of her friends). Picture 3: Pastor Marvin and Sili. Picture 4: Audrey and Steve. Picture 5: Seng (The BBQ King!) Picture 6: Abby, and the other Abby and Josh. Picture 7: Chris and Leonard. Picture 8: Somebody new to me and Dimples!

The youngest being Mia and the oldest being Leonard.

More BBQ shots

A big thank you to everyone for such an enjoyable weekend! You can never get enough of cooked meat, kids and good friends!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Memorial Day!

There is nothing better then a 3 day weekend with close friends! Here are a few of this weekends highlights…more are to come.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Xbox with the Guys!

I love vacation weekends!

Friday, May 26, 2006

New Guy

This is the new guy on our team at work. He is from the UK, or more specifically, from Reading just outside of London. We are glad to have him on board! We really enjoyed having the new guy, we especially loved his humor. He will need that humor for this job;-) Back to Reading on Saturday!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hmmm Grammar

I am not a Grammar Guru, heck I can hardly spell. However, when somebody claims they should have been an editor it makes me wonder what happened here? (Click on image to enlarge!)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The 3 Musketeers

Well, not really;-) I was searching for a shot this evening and found this one, kinda fun huh!

Bonus Weekend Pics

We had a lot going on this past weekend, parents from Spokane and 33rd birthdays. This is Jolene's dream come true.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Jolene captured this shot while she was pumping gas. The inner-city is alive with wildlife.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

VE Day! Victory over E3

Here is the crew that brought you E3...well at least for your 360! Last night we celebrated a succesful week of E3 content pushed to the box. From what I have been told, we did really well:-)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Since birds are messy, squirrels are lucky. This guy has a endless feast on his hands. I had no idea that a backyard could be so rich in wildlife...in the middle of the city.

Dinner Outside!

Jolene opted last night for dinner outside. I could not have agreed more!

Monday, May 15, 2006


Jolene has been on a salad kick lately. It seems every night we have salad. Jolene creates the best salads on earth. She has no idea how much I appreciate her food! Well, I guess now she does.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mothers Day!

And what a great one it was. I am on lucky guy! I have 3 wonderful, caring and loving mother's. Which is good for me because I could never use enough mothering.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

More Backyard Wildlife

As you know we got a new bird house...and Jolene purchased some cool bird seed for it. The cool birdseed has attracted birds I have never seen before, were the old cheap birdseed attracted dull birds. Who da thunk it! Birds are picky eaters.

Friday, May 12, 2006


We challenged Magma (Featured as the Giant Red Ball of Hate in the Middle) the other night. We won! Magma lost...and fun was had by all, well except for Magma. Final Fantasy Online...what a fun game. Hey Muf...My Character is in the center there...named after your infamous roomate.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

E3 got me...but secretly we got it!

Well the week of E3 is nearly up...and once again as in previous E3 years I am beat. However, from early reports the Marketplace did really well. So good feelings all the way around. The industry that is suppose to be about fun and games always turns out to be a lot of work for me...go figure!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

City Shots! I know, to many...

E3 has been taking up all my time. AHHHH the pressure...it means the Blog suffers. But I promise new and interesting content to come. FYI This was on the drive home last night.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Kitchen Window

This was a last minute blog picture! But I thought it was interesting none-the-less. Can you see me?

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Sneaky Needle

I caught the space needle hiding behind the monorail. Speaking of which...I think we dodged a bullet by voting down the new monorail.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Dinner Downtown

Went downtown for a dinner and Mission Impossible 3. Walking to the theater I caught this shot.

Garbage Day

Some things will change...However garbage day will always remain the same. I hate taking out the trash

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Mom and Mia

We went to visit Joe, Kim and Mia this evening, everything seems to be A-okay! I just love these people!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My Wife's Eye

And a scan of Jolene's eye. Don't you think she has a lovely Retna!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Full Backyard

I mowed the Backyard...its looking good. Don't worry...no snakes were harmed.

City Snake

We found this little guy sunning himself on the back patio this afternoon. It's not often you see these critters liven in the hood.