Tuesday, September 30, 2008

View from the Pilchuck

The top one looks towards Everett (and Stephen's shoulder) and the bottom one looks to the Olympics and Lake Stevens. (Click to Enlarge)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

From the top of Pilchuck

A buddy and I from work (Stephen) decided to tackle Mount Pilchuck this past Saturday. Overall it was a great success with exception of Stephen’s little spill at the end (sorry about the finger nail, at least they grow back). The Morning started a little foggy, however by the time we go the top all was clear and amazing. On a side note, Jolene wanted me to try and catch one of our favorite animals on camera but the pika remained fast and elusive. But we certainly heard plenty of them; please follow the link for more.


Friday, September 26, 2008

The top of Squak

Yes, I hiked up Squak Mt. again. So many interesting things to find; radio towers and old cabin remnants to say the least.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I fixed it

It was driving me crazy.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lake Serene

It took some work to get here, but I finally arrived at Lake Serene near Index Washington. This was the final spot for Jolene and I on our mini-vacation. Unfortunately, Jolene was pretty ill and remained in the cabin while I was able to enjoy this amazing day. (click to enlarge) Strange, the lake appears to be at a slant - this has nothing to do with the photographer!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

One more beast from Turnbull

Yes, she is my beast. Okay, last of the Turnbull pics I really do love this place. If I had done it right this is where I would have asked Jolene to marry me, but you can’t have it all (poor Jolene).

Thursday, September 18, 2008


More fantastic pictures from Turnbull. I swear I can see every color of the rainbow in these pictures.

Happy Birthday Dad

Yeah, it's a blog classic - but it's fitting. Happy Birthday Dad!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


During one of last weeks adventures in Eastern Washington I spotted a Moose . This was as close as I dared get, especially with the dogs. Hiking in Turnbull was amazing, more to come.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Squak Mt. Summit

Another "Issaquah Alp" conquered, I am looking ahead to Tiger Mountain now.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Sneaky Returns, Again

Yes, no year would be complete without a visit from Sneaky. This year Sneaky found a hole in the house that needs to be patched; because I don’t think Sneaky is the only one using it. Anyway, celebrate the return of everybody’s favorite snake and have a great Sunday afternoon.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Iron Horse Trail

Dad and I took a hike yesterday; the goal was to hike down the Iron Horse trail that runs through Snoqualmie Pass. The trail is an old railroad line that literally has a 2 mile tunnel that runs under the pass – and you can hike in it. We got turned around several times (depicted in the video above) but we eventually found the tunnel. Perfect day!