Friday, October 30, 2009

Start them young

Kaylene's cousin has been captivated by Baseball (noooooo!) - this was cause for much concern in the Kidney household. As you know this is a Sc-Fi house and I needed to be sure Kaylene was going to be raised in the proper fashion. No worries! apparently Captain Kirk is cool at any age OR could it be all those silly colors...hmmmm.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Finding Kaylene

Kaylene played her first game of hide and seek today. She doesn’t quite have the nuances down, however given time I guessing she will become a master. She is also very good at finding her feet, opening her mouth and Dad’s all time favorite – screaming at the top of her lungs. Enjoy the peaceful moments.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Eat your heart out!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hmmmm Finger

I have feared from the start that Kaylene would be a thumb sucker; little did I know you can also be an pointer sucker. Jolene quickly rushed me up the stairs yesterday to see this new and most soothing behavior. Human invention never ceases in the Kidney household.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kaylene finds a hand

Starting with a new Tuesday tradition Kaylene and I went to visit Grandma. As you can tell she is very preoccupied with stuffing her hand into her mouth, which at times can be quite disturbing OR amusing. Regardless, Kaylene is always entertaining.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

She Smiles, Finally!

This child has simply refused to smile for the camera - but I caught her off guard today. I had bundled her up and placed her in her car seat. For some reason she thought this was funny, so I quickly grabbed a camera and behold!

Friday, October 02, 2009

Another one for Jolene

Because we know its hard being away from Kay.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

At Home Dad

Today marks the first day of my stay-at-home parenting responsibilities, so far so go. Kaylene has succeeded at going through her first morning cycle, she slept, she went pee pee, she drank a full bottle of milk and spit up on her father. But we both agree; we miss mommy.