Saturday, December 26, 2009


Kaylene will laugh if we are pushing her in her stroller and stomping on the ground at the same time. We have no idea why she laughs at this. Perhaps, she thinks we are tripping or she likes the way our her hair falls on our faces. Regardless, she laughs and we love it.

Friday, December 25, 2009

MmmMMerrry Christmmmmas AaaMmmmAAaa

Merry Christmas 2009 as said by a six month old Kaylene!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fat Feet

This will be a special Christmas for the Jr. Kidney's. Why? because we have Kaykes! As I told my wife earlier tonight, I never thought that this "being a parent thing" was going to be so much fun. Thank you Jesus for all the wonderful things you have done for our family - and will continue to do!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Way too cute

With almost every Sunday that I post I try to give you something warm and snuggly to start your week. What could be more warm and snuggly than a little girl in a bear outfit?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Workin on a roll over

We are hoping within the next month our daughter will roll from her tummy to her back. Kaylene and I practice this on a daily basis, however, what you see above is what she does really well, she is so advanced.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Test Run 720p

For my birthday I received money to purchase a camcorder, I choose to go with a mini HD recorder. Its smaller than an iphone and very simple to use, but I realize I am going to need more light, always a difficult thing to do this time of year.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

First Ornament

Just like Kaylene's cousin this was a week of firsts, although we choose to steer clear of Mr. Claus. Instead we went to hallmark and selected her first ornament. Clearly this was a big hit for her parents and her aunt but quite puzzling when you are five months old.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Please smile Kaykes

She giggles, we have seen it and heard it, however when the camera is on, nothing. Please forgive the video game "Mario" accent, recently, Jolene and I picked up a copy of the crazy Italian plumber game and the characters are infectious. Unfortunately for Kaykes this means and she gets extra heaps of her parents bad humor, "Hey, itsa me Mario!"