We never expected to be this close. However the whales had something else in mind when they decided to use the whale-watching vessel in their very elaborate mating ritual. The Captain theorized that the female of this pod of bulls (depicted above) had decided to hide underneath and around the hull of our boat. This placed us in the frenzy of dominate males trying to “score” an opportunity with the female. We watched these whales battle for an hour as they surfaced, tackled and hurled blows at each other. Yeah, that’s right, literally throwing blows. The Narrator said this was a once in a lifetime moment, something that he had only seen once before. I could not agree more. The pictures above hardly scratch the surface of the amount of photos we have of this event, thank you Roxanne.
Wow, what an incredible experience. MOST people don't get to see this in a lifetime. How fortunate. God is good! luv ya momk
Beats our day of whale watching in SB! Zero whales that day. Looks amazing!
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