Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Zach!

Again, I have a tendency not to get people at their best - BUT it’s another Dave Kidney Jr. original. However the video does point to something that is very true, I would love to have Zach, Martha and Baby Summer live just a little closer. Regardless of how far you live away I am extremely happy to have such a great brother-in-law. Zach, I am also thankful for all the smiles you give my sister and the joy you bring to our side of the family, Happy Birthday Uncle Zach!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Birthday!

It's always fun to find old pictures that your pretty sure nobody has seen before. I did a little digging this morning and found this one, yes its not the best. BUT this was/is my Mom, caring for the family working on the endless amounts of meals, events and parties . Happy Birthday Mom and thank you for all your love and kindness over the years, I can only hope to become the that same kind of parent to Kaylene.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Moving along

Dalene came over last night and began work on the initial decorations. What do you guys think? I am under the impression they are awesome! Boy oh boy, I really hope that ultrasound was correct. (remeber to click on the picture for a larger image)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Further Progress

Thanks to some pretty sweet family members we have an awesome furniture setup. NOW -I just need get over this cold so I can enjoy it.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

2000 Feet Up

Dad and I (and a couple of friends from church) climbed to the top of Tiger Mountain on Tuesday. It was quite a view and great way to start the hiking season.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Request for the Bump!

Yes, I did this to Jolene. We will be entering into the 3rd trimester in two weeks. Whoa! it is happening so fast.

The ultrasound better be right

Because this room sure is PINK!